Having a baby can be one of the most significant moments of your life. West Virginia parents often want to know what they can do to keep the baby healthy in-utero and during delivery to protect their child and reduce the chances of medical malpractice. In some...
Medical Malpractice
Spotting the delayed signs of a brain injured child can be vital
If you had a challenging time delivering your baby in West Virginia and believe your child may have been injured during the process, knowing the symptoms to look for can be helpful. These signs can develop early in a newborn's life or after they have started...
What should you do if your doctor withholds information?
West Virginia residents hold their doctors at high standards and expect appropriate care from them. However, it’s important to know what to do if you learn your physician has withheld information from you. What are the risks of medical information being withheld? If...
The degrees and classifications of perineal tears
Some injuries are expected to occur when a mother gives vaginal birth. However, certain types of perineal tears are unnecessary and caused by the doctor's or nurse's error. There are four degrees of perineal tears that can be classified in personal injury cases in...
Understanding common birthing complications can be informative
If you're having a baby in West Virginia, the labor process is typically straightforward. However, there's always a chance for complications to occur. Shoulder dystocia, prolonged labor that doesn't progress or an inadequate supply of oxygen to your baby are potential...
Medical malpractice
In West Virginia, as in other states, medical malpractice is a serious threat to the well-being and safety of patients. The patients in a hospital or other care setting put their trust in their doctors to make the right decisions, and when those doctors make mistakes,...
West Virginia law and medical malpractice claims
A routine trip to the emergency room or a doctor's office could lead to a hospital admission. Those undergoing treatments expect to receive proper care, but negligence could worsen the patient's health. So, a trip to the hospital may precede a trip to a West Virginia...
Rare birth injuries West Virginia parents should be aware of
Modern medicine has come a long way in the last few decades, but birth injuries for children born in West Virginia aren’t unheard of. While some birth injuries are increasingly rare, they can still be absolutely devastating. What’s an example of a rare birth injury?...
Pediatric malpractice: Newborn mishaps and misdiagnosis
Birth injuries in West Virginia can be a matter of pediatric malpractice. Whenever a pediatrician fails to operate in accordance with medical standards and the result is harm to a patient, there could be legal consequences. Newborn injury Parents can be devastated...
Understanding PTSD related to medical malpractice
Have you had emotional trauma due to medical malpractice? Residents of Weirton and nearby areas of West Virginia may want to learn more about how medical malpractice can cause emotional trauma. If you have been hurt at the hands of a trusted doctor or medical...