Most wrong-way drivers are intoxicated 

On Behalf of | Jan 28, 2025 | Motor vehicle accidents |

Wrong-way accidents should never happen, especially on the interstate. Many people feel nervous when first driving on the interstate because of the high speeds, but it is technically safer than other roads. This is largely due to the fact that traffic flows in the same direction and on-ramps and off-ramps control when drivers enter or exit the highway.

To cause a wrong-way accident on the interstate, a driver typically has to use the wrong ramp, such as driving up an exit ramp. The entire road system is designed to prevent this, but these accidents still happen. In recent years, these crashes have become more common. Investigators have found that the majority of wrong-way drivers are under the influence of alcohol.

Accidents late at night

These accidents often occur late at night. Someone who has been out drinking and is well over the legal limit may not realize they’ve made a mistake. In the dark, they may not notice the wrong-way signs or may become confused about which ramp they’re supposed to take. Additionally, traffic levels tend to be lower at night, so they may not immediately see oncoming vehicles.

To stay safe, drivers traveling in the correct direction should always watch for headlights ahead of them. There may only be a split second to avoid a crash, which could occur at high speeds. It’s usually safest to drive in the right-hand lane and not to attempt to stop the wrong-way driver, but to move out of the way and call 911.

Seeking compensation after a crash

Unfortunately, many innocent drivers are involved in wrong-way crashes, which can lead to severe injuries. Those who have been hurt need to know all of their options for seeking financial compensation for medical bills and related costs.