Passengers can be a dangerous source of distraction

On Behalf of | Dec 4, 2024 | Motor vehicle accidents |

Distracted driving often starts with a mobile device. Some people have a very difficult time ignoring cell phone notifications about incoming emails or text messages. There are even some people who engage with social media while actively driving.

Digital distraction is obviously dangerous, and many people actively try to avoid handling phones while in control of motor vehicles. They may also watch for distracted drivers with devices in their hands to give them as much space as possible.

While cellular distraction is a significant concern, it is far from the only source of distraction on the road. Vehicles full of people are also a concern, as passengers are a top source of distraction.

Other people force drivers to split their focus

Research into the different types of distraction that affect motorists shows that passengers may be a bigger concern than mobile devices. Approximately half of all distracted drivers focus on other people in their vehicles. Mobile device distraction only accounts for about a third of all distracted driving cases.

Teenagers can be particularly susceptible to passenger distraction when they drive with their peers in their vehicles. Parents may also find that their children become very distracting. Infants may start crying or may throw their toys. Children may fight or start emotional conversations on the way to school.

Drivers generally need to limit conversations while operating motor vehicles to ensure optimal safety. They should try to keep their focus on the road, their eyes on their surroundings and their hands on the wheel.

While passengers are often a source of distraction, they can also help people avoid distraction. Passengers who speak up when they notice drivers reaching for something in the backseat or handling a mobile phone can reinforce the importance of remaining focused while driving.

If someone with a car full of people causes a motor vehicle collision, the chances are good that distraction may have played a role in the incident. Negligent behavior can lead to liability for a crash even if the conduct doesn’t explicitly violate the law the way that texting while driving does. Holding people accountable for unsafe practices, including distracted driving, can help those harmed by car wrecks limit the losses they incur due to the mistakes of others.