Modern advances in medicine have meant that many conditions can be fairly easily treated with the appropriate medication. For example, many infections can be cleared up with a batch of antibiotics. For some people, medication becomes part of their daily routine to relieve the symptoms of long-term health conditions.
Medication is only effective if it is dispensed correctly. Unfortunately, errors can occur during this process. What are some of the more common examples of prescription medication errors?
1. The wrong type of drugs
Being given the wrong type of drugs can be very dangerous, and potentially fatal. While this is relatively rare, it does happen. There are several steps in the chain of administering medication. Firstly, the doctor must write the correct prescription so that the pharmacist can prepare the drugs. The pharmacist and pharmacy assistants must work together to prepare the drugs for the patient to collect. One miscommunication in this process can result in the patient leaving with the wrong type of drugs, and potentially suffering severe injuries.
2. The wrong instructions
Having the right medication is one thing, but taking it in the appropriate dosages is another. This is something that doctors and pharmacists need to get right. They must provide patients with instructions that show how much of the drug the patient needs and how often they need to take it. Too low a dosage is likely not to help at all. Too high a dosage could result in further health complications.
If you have suffered health complications due to medication errors, this could be grounds for a medical malpractice claim. Seeking legal guidance will give you a better idea of where you stand.