Having a baby can be one of the most significant moments of your life. West Virginia parents often want to know what they can do to keep the baby healthy in-utero and during delivery to protect their child and reduce the chances of medical malpractice. In some instances, a baby can sustain a physical injury during the delivery process. This is known as a birth injury or birth trauma.
Causes of birth injuries
Medical malpractice is more common when the baby is exceptionally large or if the baby is not positioned to come through the birth canal head-first. Babies also have a higher chance of being born with birth trauma if they are born prematurely.
The health of the mother can also impact whether or not the baby will suffer a birth injury. The shape and size of the mother’s birth canal or pelvis can sometimes make it harder for her to have a natural birth. When a woman has lengthy labor and doesn’t experience contractions that are powerful enough to move the baby closer to the birth canal, the baby could be injured during birth. Cesarean births have a higher instance of birth injury, and using devices like forceps or a vacuum to remove the baby from the birth canal can lead to birth trauma if the instruments are not used correctly.
Common birth injuries
Some of the most common injuries babies experience during birth include bruising or swelling of the head and bleeding underneath the bones surrounding the brain. A baby may also sustain facial nerve damage and dilated blood vessels in the eyes as a result of trauma. Injuries can also include damage to the nerves that cause the hands and arms to function properly.
Preparing as much as possible for childbirth and working with a qualified medical team can lower the instances of medical malpractice.