We are just a few days away from the Labor Day holiday weekend. For most people in West Virginia, that means a three-day weekend filled with fun (and socially distanced) activities with family and friends. And for many, summer celebrations are incomplete without consuming at least some alcohol.
Regardless of whether you’ll be drinking this weekend, please take extra travel precautions, even avoiding driving at certain times if you can. This is because Labor Day Weekend is one of holidays most associated with drunk driving and related car accidents.
Approximately 10,000 people are killed in alcohol-related crashes on U.S. roads each year. During this holiday period in 2018, there were 439 crash fatalities nationwide, nine of which occurred here in West Virginia. Nearly half of those fatal accidents involved at least one driver who had been drinking.
Because of the risks associated with Labor Day Weekend, law enforcement throughout West Virginia will be participating in the national safety campaign “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.” The campaign includes public safety messages about the dangers of drunk driving as well as increased DUI enforcement that started in late August and will continue through the holiday weekend.
While no one likes the thought of getting arrested for drunk driving, it would be far worse to be injured or killed in a drunk driving accident. In order to protect yourself and those you love this Labor Day Weekend, please be very conscientious about when and how much you drive in order to reduce your risks of a serious crash. And if you have already been seriously injured by a drunk or otherwise negligent driver, please contact our firm to discuss your case with one of our experienced personal injury attorneys.