Results for "birth injuries"

What you should know about birth injuries

Having a baby can be one of the most significant moments of your life. West Virginia parents often want to know what they can do to keep the baby healthy in-utero and during delivery to protect their child and reduce the chances of medical malpractice. In some...

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Rare birth injuries West Virginia parents should be aware of

Modern medicine has come a long way in the last few decades, but birth injuries for children born in West Virginia aren’t unheard of. While some birth injuries are increasingly rare, they can still be absolutely devastating. What’s an example of a rare birth injury?...

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Common birth injuries

Some babies born in West Virginia hospitals are injured during birth. In many cases, birth injuries happen because of factors that are out of the doctor’s control such as the position or the size of the baby. There are also many birth injuries that are caused by...

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Why birth injuries have been higher in military hospitals

Birth injuries can happen no matter how experienced a doctor may be. Unfortunately, newborns who are born at a military hospital in West Virginia are more likely to be injured during birth than they would if they had been born at a different hospital. Here are several...

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Birth Injuries

When Negligence Leads To Birth Injuries While the birth of a child is a joyful event, complications can arise at any stage of labor and delivery. In many cases, doctors, anesthesiologists and other medical professionals use their training to recognize potentially...

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Birth trauma can make parents distrustful of medical care

Multiple people are often present at West Virginia births. The parents will be surrounded by two or more medical personnel, but they experience the event differently. Parents usually have little knowledge of medical interventions related to birth. Medical workers...

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Birth trauma can cast a long shadow

According to medical records, between 3% and 6% of mothers in West Virginia and around the country develop post-traumatic stress disorder after giving birth, but may experts think the true figure is much higher. They believe that most birth-related PTSD goes...

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Finding hope and growth after birth trauma

Experiencing birth trauma can be a difficult and emotional experience for new parents in West Virginia. Birth injuries can be caused by a variety of factors, including medical negligence, complications during labor or genetic disorders. Despite the challenges that...

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